D H M is 4 !

Wow at 4 years I'm so grateful for what DHM has accomplished and where we will be in the next four years. From an idea birthed into a vision and this is just the beginning - the best is yet to come. From photoshoots, masterclasses, clients and magazines - I'm very excited for the future in makeup artistry and entrepreneurial-ship. And who knows, maybe a DHM Line may be coming to a store near u soon๐Ÿ’•...DHM is 4 today!๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰Yay! Thank you for the support, encouragement, advice and love! I am so grateful.
#DHMis4 #4thanniversary #April26th #businessanniversary #businessbday #dhm #divinehouseofmakeupbyIsang

And a makeup tip before I go:

For lovely skin that's always in try rodial face mask and L'Orรฉal's new sugar scrub 


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