Q1: My debut book...I'm an author!
Q1: My debut book...I'm an author!
As lockdown comes to an end, I'm indeed grateful for all that has occurred during the year long pandemic. It's been a time of reflection, huge change and new beginnings. One of which I am excited to share with you all...
Years ago I said to myself I would probably write my first book when I was in my 40s however being restricted from the outside world for near enough a year somewhat helps you focus and re-strategise. I had unknowingly invested in numerous books in 2019 and 2020 thinking to myself when would I have the time to read them all. I found myself doing voice notes of my life experiences and choices and one day spoke with one of my mentors. We spoke and she ended up explaining how she did it. The idea came at ease and now I can tell you that I am an author!
The book is titled, 'The Imperfect Runway to Glory' and it wasn't what I wanted to go for but with coaching and advice I understood the reasons for this and was so happy I was obedient to change it because now I really like it!
The book is about my journey to date and aimed at those who are school leavers perhaps leaving university at a crossroads and thinking about their future, their next career move and not being restricted to academia alone. Work? Training? Further education? I write this book for those who are waiting for their ideal career move or finding it difficult to move forward or be re-directed. My book describes a time in my life where I too felt stuck and as the blurb would read, life outside of academia was rarely highlighted to me and success was a school by itself not often studied. It also provides plenty of tips at each stage I found myself at.
I hope when the book is released shortly you will pick up a copy if not for yourself, for those you may know wondering what they should do next with their career.
I am grateful for the things that have occurred since my last blog post namely:
Female Founders: Lunch and learn with Enterprise Nation - interview can be listened to here
Anchor.fm podcast: Talk with DHM (also on Spotify) and much more we have in store.
For more updates do kindly sign up to our newsletter at www.divinehouseofmakeup.com
I hope my new project in the form of a book inspires, encourages and motivates. I hope you also leave a positive review!
Lots of love,
DHM xx
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