Take your position
*W: *www.divinehouseofmakeup.com
*Instagram:* divinehm
*Twitter:* divinehouseofmakeup
*Youtube:* Divine House of Make-up
*"There is freedom in art and therefore make-up artistry provides a
platform for creativity"*
As the year draws to a close and the festive season springs upon us, I wanted to write more of a blog than a makeup tip and rather just a tip. From Spring is in to introducing DHM on YouTube and now to positioning. This word came to me in the second book of Chronicles the twentieth chapter and the seventeenth verse..."Take your positions and stand still". In my mind I imagine being lifted up to a new height and dimension and being so afraid but a voice that says, "stand still". The fear comes from not naturally being elevated so quickly and so fast to such a position and fidgeting as a response to the elevation. But it's okay and its life.
The blog post or article on "The difference between those who get stuck at their unfulfilling jobs and those who break free..the Unlost" was an eye-opener to say the least. As we spend time this season remembering the birth of Jesus Christ, may we also prepare for a new year, a new 2017 and a new position."
New year means more masterclasses! We are heading to Lagos Nigeria! For tickets visit:
Or the website. You could also win FREE ENTRY !
Lots of love
Isang Founder/Makeup entrepreneur DHM
*W: *www.divinehouseofmakeup.com
*Instagram:* divinehm
*Twitter:* divinehouseofmakeup
*Youtube:* Divine House of Make-up
*"There is freedom in art and therefore make-up artistry provides a
platform for creativity"*
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